Planning: Trailer



Sub-Genre - The sub-genre/plot we have chosen follows the plot of the 'Human Monster'. This plot is about a psychological killer or the antagonist's personality is flawed and he/she is abnormal leading him/her to become a serial killer.

Certificate and Target Audience - Our target audience will be a social group of young adults. Our characters within the trailer will be of the same age range as ourselves and will representation of young adults. Our trailer will include both female and male characters thus widening our target audience to both genders rather than focusing on one specific gender to represent.

Setting - The main setting will be located in a house, the surroundings around the house will also be included in our trailer. The use of a house can convey many meanings of the Horror genre, a sense of being trapped, boxed in and no escape from the antagonist that lurk either on the inside of the house or outside.

Costume and Props - Costumes will be casual wear but with significant props worn or placed out to be seen on set. The props that we are going to use will be; a religious necklace that includes the Christian Cross, candles lit will be displayed on set, telephone, fake blood, and possibly a knife or a sharp weapon.

Storyline - 2 or 3 victims including a 'Final Girl' and there will be 3 antagonists, there are a that are group of killersdevil worshipers that search around for a targeted house, when they find their targeted house they trap the victims inside the comfort of their own home. The antagonists scare/frighten by leaving motifs that seem devil-like and the house for them to find and kill their victims one by one.

Editing - We will using many editing techniques such as match-on-action and cross cuts, also we will include credits and titles as teaser trailers make use of titles for its narrative structure. Adding music into our trailer that will be parallel to the action or will be used to convey the emotions we intend to evoke to the audience. Lastly, we will be adding in transitions to smooth the cuts and to create dramatic effect, for example black fade-in and fade-out.


We have chosen a very ordinary location to give a sense of realism. The house is located in an ordinary road, in order to allow the trailer to relate and be relevent to the largest possible audience. This technique has been used in the hugely successful Paranormal Activity movies, and, alond with the use of a handheld camera, gives the most realistic outcome. Critics often say that films such as Jaws are not effective as horror films as the audience can just 'stay out of the water', our product aims to be successful by creating a lingering horror that follows the audience home.
It is proven that similar locations work effectively in horror movies, and, as this location is perfect for our extremely low budget, It will hopefully achieve the best possible outcome for our product.


  • Casual wear - Victims will be purposely dressed following typical horror conventions. The protagonists will be wearing casual everyday clothing to keep the look of the characters more realistic and closer to reality.  
  • With the antagonists, their clothing will be darker and preferably black or dark shades of grey to keep make the mask in their costumes more visible and makes it stand out more.
  •  A mask may be included in the antagonists costume, the mask will be plain to keep it simple yet frightening hiding the identity of the antagonists.
  • There will be many props used for symbolism and hints for the plot.
  • Knife will be the choice of weapon for the antagonists, we chose a knife as a weapon because we believe that it keeps the plot and killing of the victims more realistic rather than using an out of the ordinary weapon.
  • Candles will also be used to symbolise strength, passion, love and survival. Candles also have a deep symbolism in religion.
  • Antagonist's masks. The masks will be influenced by 'The strangers' antagonist masks, the appearance of them is quite simple which brings the element of strange and mysterious, almost creepy which we would like to evoke to the audience.

  • First Protagonist - For the protagonist we decided to use a female to represent the 'Final Girl Theory', this can also show a theme of 'battle of the sexes' as we intend to use a full male cast for the antagonists. For our first protagonist we decided to cast a student, her name is Vicky Ahmed, we aimed to cast a female character to be the protagonist because in more modern horror films, the films use a positive female in the horror genre are seen defeating typical male villains and exhibit strength and intelligence hence moving from being a female victim to heroine. Also by casting Vicky as the main girl, she allows us to tap into a wider targeted audience as she represents a more diverse cast. This link shows an article by Steven Casey Murray - BellaOnline's Horror Movie Editor which reinforces the representation of women portrayed in horror films.
  • Second Victim - For our second victim that will be acting alongside with Vicky will be student Luke Elliot. We decided to cast a male to emphasise the male dominance over the female protagonist and to portray the break through and overcoming of power in the female character and to show his role as the male to be the protector. The Luke will be seen to be attacked or threatened by the antagonists whilst Vicky stays scared but untouched.
  • Antagonists - We will be casting the same amount of antagonists as there is protagonist and victims. This is to even out both sides of good vs evil. Our three actors will be Ryan Tustin and Owen Wheeler. An all male cast for the antagonists is done to portray male dominance and in typical horror films the villains are usually male. They will be wearing dark clothing and a white plain masks.

    Storyboard 3&4




    Our film is currently a working title...




    We plan to follow the conventions from a real life media product for our media trailer, our chosen sub-genre we chose was the human monster therefore we researched horror films that follow this sub-genre and found the best teaser trailer we liked was 'The Strangers'. We especially like the beginning transitions and edits of the still photo montage of the houses, we believe that the beginning 'slide-show' effect looks very effective and helps build great tension and creates a dramatic atmosphere for the next bit of the trailer.