Research: Posters


COLOUR - Primary colours are the main colours used in this poster. This creates an old comic book effect, connoting innocence and youth which is immediately juxtaposed with images connoting sex, drug use and violence. Audiences view this and are attracted by the breach of social norms expressed through the colours and images. The dark colours of the character immediately contrast with brighter, more childish colours of the title and background. This causes the main character to stand out among its surroundings, which, with the help of a children's comic book style, help the poster to glorify these acts (i.e. drug taking, sex & violence) as merely fun and games, thus enticing the audience.

FORMAT - The poster has been laid out in a portrait format. This showcases the main character in the centre of the product, highlighting her power and importance. Though there is only one character shown in the centre of the poster, we do not witness a sense of loneliness as the oranges, reds, and yellows, along with objects placed around the character, leaves a sense of warmth and fullness, indicating that the character is comfortable with the state or perpetual anarchy. The layout of titles and framing of the picture also adds to the 'comic book' connotations mentioned previously.
NARRATIVE - All text has been written in a very bold, capital-lettered font. This dominates the poster and has been used to create synergy across all media platforms. The font can be used across many platforms in order to create a unique style for the franchise and immediately inform the viewer of the product, with a view to make this style iconic and memorable to a large demographic.

MISE-EN-SCENE - The relaxed, informal arrangement of drugs and weapons in the image could be said to promote these things. They are placed next to an object of desire, i.e., the female character, in order to attract the audience. The female character is reading whilst laying with these objects, implying that taking part in violence and drug abuse is a hobby, as is reading. The comic book connotations are made complete by the female main image reading a comic book which shares the title of the film, implying the whole situation involving drugs and violence is merely a children's game or a fun, childish pastime.

When juxtaposed, the black dress of the female character could be said to contrast with the setting she is in, portraying a conflict between the higher class represented through the sleek black dress, and the lower class setting. This portrays the female as an objects of desire, more wealthy and luxurious than her surroundings. Her dark hair, eyes and clothing show a dark side, which is supported by the connotations of the gun and cigarette. These represent an idea that a higher class can be obtained through guns, violence and drugs. It is this twist on conventional ideals that attracts the audience and gives the poster a slick, cool feel.

This poster is the perfect example of techniques and conventions my product can embody. It's use of images, colour and text give the poster, and indeed the franchise, an iconic feel that I wish my product to achieve.


Colours - The colours used on this poster are red, yellow, black, grey and white.
  • Red connotes excitement, passion, strength, power, aggression, danger, blood and violence. Yellow connotes deceit, optimism, idealism, imagination and hazard.
  • Grey connotes security, solidness, practicality and intelligence.
  • Black connotes power, fear, evil and death.
  • White connotes coldness and innocence.
  • These colours are relevant to the films science fiction/ thriller genre as they can contain a lot of violence and gore. They can also involve a failure of security which is important to the plot.

Central Image - The main image in the middle is surrounded in yellow to connote the themes of idealism and imagination to create dinosaurs. There is then a silhouette of a T-Rex skeleton in black to connote that the dinosaurs are antagonistic. It features a red background to the silhouette to connote the blood and violence, re-enforcing the dinosaurs as antagonists. It also features the silhouette of a group of trees in black connoting that the jungles/forests in the film are full of danger.

Title - The main title is written in white with red in the middle connoting that theme in the film that the dinosaurs are acting on instinct and the humans are antagonists; making the dinosaurs innocent.

Background - The background of the poster is black/grey connoting a failure in security. This will attract a target audience who are predominantly older and stereotypically male as the colours are implying a lot of action and violence in the film.

Written Text - The poster includes the directors name at the top, the title written big in the middle, a tagline, credits and website.
  • The tagline of the film is "Something has survived", this connotes that the film is a sequel. It is written in red which connotes that the thing that had survived was dangerous. It teases the audience as it is not specific and tells them that that "something" is not human, relating to the science fiction genre which would attract that target audience.
  • The font of the title and tagline looks cracked and weathered like the images and background representing the fossilised remains of dinosaurs.
  • The information on the poster includes "A Steven Spielberg Film" written at the top which is effective as it will attract an audience who are already fans of his work in films like Jaws, The Indiana Jones trilogy and E.T.. It also includes the credits at the bottom which will tell the audience which actors are included and which production companies are involved in making the film. The people involved can tell the audience what kind of budget there is and whether the film involves the best people in their fields of work.
Certificate - The poster lacks a certificate which is important in telling the audience the contents of the film and whats suitable to some viewers.
  • There is also a website advertised at the bottom which can give the audience further information on the film.
Images - The graphics used on the titles and images across the poster are made to show weathering and cracks representing fossilised remains.

  • The key image is merged into the title creating a logo, yet this is also used as the film is the second film in the Jurassic Park franchise. This includes the most important colours connoting danger and violence .
  • This image is used to show the audience whats in the films which is dinosaurs, and it also represents the franchise.
  • This is to attract a target audience who like dinosaurs.

Layout - The main image is blended with the background because they share similar graphics and there is a great relevance between them. The image includes a dinosaur skeleton which is related to the fossilised graphic.
  • The layout shows that the plot is about dinosaurs, that the genre is sci-fi as its about dinosaurs and that the target audience will be interested in dinosaurs.
  • The poster is portrait as it only contains the logo of the franchise and a tagline to tease the audience. It lacks a lot of mise en scene and doesn't reveal any of the characters. A landscape poster would have a lot more mise en scene.
  • The title is put in the middle of the logo drawing the audiences attention to it. The name "The Lost World" implies that it is something humans have never seen.
  • Steven Spielberg's name is at the top to instantly attract audiences of his films. It then has the logo below it to show its part of the franchise and as its the key image it is put in the middle to draw the attention of audiences. The dark background also draws attention to the centre image/logo. Below that is the tagline to tease the audience. The credits are written in white at the bottom to stand out against the dark background.
USP - The name is different to the first film in the franchise. Instead of it being called "Jurassic Park 2" it was called "The Lost World:Jurassic Park" which connotes that it is different to the first, but by putting "Jurassic Park" after it connotes it is a direct sequel to the first film.

The poster also shows that the cast is different to the first film as it includes Julianne Moore and Pete Postlethwaite.




 Here are some images of horror film titles that have been edited to give a specific effect, we really admire the way they have edited and used these titles to give an effect that shows a relationship between the title and the film. For example The Strangers title on their movie poster has been edited and shows a blur effect and a slight slash effect. This shows the relationship between the weapon of choice the antagonists use which is a knife.